Saturday & Sunday, Feb 15th & 16th

Super Saturday

OTM x 10 minutes

2 Snatches



26 minutes AMRAP of:

10 pull-ups

15 kettlebell swings, 53/35#

20 box jumps, 24/20 inch box



Sunday Funday @ 8 am

Superset - 4 Rounds Not for Time:

Tempo Deadlift x 5 (3-1-3-1)

12 KB Around the world

6 KB Flat Bench Overhead Ext.

WOD 21, 15, 9 for Time:

Goblet Squat (55/35)

Plank Pull Through (55/35)

Calorie Row

Open Gym @ 9 am

New Haven Rugby @ 10 am

Joe Kusnitz
Friday, Feb 14th

Warmup: 10 minutes of:

8 Scap Pushups,

8 KBS,

8 single arm db press (4 each side),

8 frog hops,

30 second plank hold


Strength/Skill: Thrusters 6x3


WOD: 4 Rounds for time:

6 Power Cleans 155/105#,

12 GHD Situps,

24 Calorie Bike

Joe Kusnitz
Thursday, Feb 13th

Warmup: 10 Minutes of:

10 cal ski erg,

10 Arnold Presses,

10 Banded Face Pulls


Strength: Split Jerk 6x2


WOD: 16 MInute AMRAP:

3 HSPU's,

5 SDHP 75/55#,

10 Meter Bear Crawl,

30 Single Unders


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

6x 800 meter run

with 2 minutes rest after each set

Joe Kusnitz