Saturday & Sunday, March 1st & 2nd

Super Saturday

OTM x 12 minutes

2 Snatches


CrossFit Open Workout 25.1

15 minute AMRAP

3 Lateral Burpees over DB

3 Hang Clean to Overhead with Single DB 50/35#

30 meter walking lunges

** Add 3 Reps to burpees and cleans each round



Sunday Funday Workout @ 8 am

Open Gym @ 9 am

New Haven Rugby Class @ 10 am

Joe Kusnitz
Friday, Feb 28th

Warmup: 10 Minutes of:

10 cal ski erg,

10 Arnold Presses,

10 Banded Face Pulls


Strength: Bench Press 6x3


WOD: 12 minute AMRAP:

3 HSPU's,

12 Seated Banded Rows,

18 Ab mat Situps

Joe Kusnitz
Thursday, Feb 27th

Warmup: 3 Rounds of:

5 hip thrusts,

10 kb russian twists,

10 kb goblet squats,

20 meter ovehead single kb carry


Strength: Deadlift 6x3


WOD: For Time:

10 Deadlifts 275/185#,

20 Box Jumps 20",

30 knees to elbows,

40 Reverse Lunges,

50 Calorie Bike


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

Teams of 2 Athletes:

100 Burpees then,

2000 meter row + 40 Calorie Assault bike,

1500 meter row + 60 Calorie Bike,

1000 meter row + 80 Calories on Bike,

500 meter row + 100 calories on bike, then

100 Burpees

Joe Kusnitz