Wednesday, January 29th

Warmup: 3 rounds of:

12 calorie legless row,

8 ring pushups,

30 second hollow hold,

8 ring rows,

30 seconds legless Assault bike


Strength: Shoulder press - On the 4 minute x 5 rounds --> 6 reps


WOD: 12 Minute AMRAP:

3 Pullups,

6 Push Press,

12 DU's

Joe Kusnitz
Tuesday, January 28th

Warmup: 4 rounds of:

6 chin-ups,

12 dips;

3 rounds of:

KB Pullovers x 6,

Single Arm KB Flat Bench Press x 6 (each arm)


Strength: Bench press - On the 4 minute x 5 rounds --> 6 reps


WOD: Death By

Hang Squat Cleans


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

100 calorie bike,

100 lunge steps,

100 calorie row,

100 Medball situps,

2 mile run

Joe Kusnitz
Monday, January 27th

Warmup: 12 MInutes of

Hip Thrusts x 8,

Reverse Lunge x8

KB Step up x 10

Windshield wipers x 12


Strength: Back Squat - On the 4 minute x 5 rounds --> 6 reps


WOD: 30 seconds work: 30 Seconds rest until complete:

10! of


Calorie Row

Joe Kusnitz