Friday, November 15th

Warmup: 12 minutes of:

10 banded good mornings,

8 Reverse Hypers,

6 GHD Situps,

4 Burpee Box overs,

2 Forward Rolls


Strength: Deadlift 3x10

Prowler Push + Pull: 3x15 meters

Kroc Row: 3x8 (each side) <Rowvember>


WOD: 10! of

Calorie Bike,

Deadlift 225/155#

Joe Kusnitz
Thursday, November 14th

Warmup: 2 Rounds of:

400 meter jog,

12 pushups,

12 curlups,

12 banded deadlifts,

12 banded pull aparts


Strength/Skill: 15 minutes working on Turkish Get-ups


WOD: Teams of 2 :

50-40-30-20-10 of

WB 20/16,

KBS 70/55#,


- ONLY 1 athlete in motion at a time


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

Coaches Choice ~ Plyometrics and bounding :)

Joe Kusnitz
Wednesday, November 13th

Warmup: 10 minutes of:

KB Round the world x 8,

Bent over Flies x 10,

Plank hold x 30 seconds,

Ski Erg x 10 calories


Strength: Bench Press 3x10

Super Set Dips 6-10 reps

Meadows Row: 4x8 (each side) <Rowvember>


WOD: OTM for 12 minutes of

3 Push Presses,

10 Situps

Joe Kusnitz