Friday, November 1st <Rowvember>

ROWVEMBER ~ This year’s version of rowvember will consist of various row movements. The challenge is how many rowvember movements you can get in for the month. Put your row movements on the side board and see who is the most consistent. GOOD LUCK!

Warmup: 3 Rounds of:

8 calorie ski erg,

8 single arm kb press (each side),

8 kb RDL,

8 kb Russian twists


Strength: Bench Press: 5x6;

Seated Banded Row: 4x12 <Rowvember movement!>


WOD: for time:

50 floor presses @ 60% of last working weight from strength set

~ each time you break you must perform 20 ab mat situps

Joe Kusnitz
Thursday, October 31st

Warmup: 10 minutes of:

20 meter bear crawl,

20 situps,

20 shoulder taps,

20 db press (10 each side)


Strength/Power: Working up to a max load of:




WOD: Team Cindy- 20 min AMRAP:

5 pullups,

10 pushups,

15 air squats

- only one athlete in motion at a time


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

Teams of 2 Athletes

“Im not going to tell you… just show up and earn that candy”

Joe Kusnitz
Wednesday, October 30th

Warmup: 12 minutes of:

10 banded good mornings,

8 Reverse Hypers,

6 GHD Situps,

4 Burpee Box overs,

2 Forward Rolls


Strength: Deadlift: 5x6;

Banded Hip Extensions: 3x8


WOD: 3x 3 Minute AMRAP:

1 KBS + 1 Box Jump and over

~ Increase by 1 rep each round until time is called

~ 2 minutes rest between each round

Joe Kusnitz