Tuesday, October 29th

Warmup: 12 minutes of:

10 banded good mornings,

8 Reverse Hypers,

6 GHD Situps,

4 Burpee Box overs,

2 Forward Rolls


Strength/Skill: 20 Minutes to work up to a working on moderate weight power clean


WOD: 10! of

Hang Squat Clean @ 50% of established Power Clean weight,

Toes to Bar


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

1 mile row, 2 mile run, 3 mile bike

Joe Kusnitz
Monday, October 28th

Warmup: 8! of

calorie machine,

lateral bench step overs

ab mat situps,


ring rows



1 - Front Squat 5x6

2 - OLY Bar RDL from rack: 3x6


WOD: 100 burpees for time

Joe Kusnitz
Saturday & Sunday, October 26th & 27th

Super Saturday

"In With the New"

3 Rounds, each for time:

12 Clean & Jerks 115/75#,

3 Rope Climbs,

9 Clean & Jerks,

3 Rope Climbs,

6 Clean & Jerks,

2 Rope Climbs,

Rest 2 minutes between each round



Sunday Funday @ 8 am ~ Anyone is Welcome

Supersets, Not for Time

3x10 Barbell Curls + Skull Crushers

3x10 Sumo DL HP + KBS

3x10 MedBall Slams + Plate Front Raise

Wod: 20 Down by 2 of

Alt DB Snatch

Lateral Box Overs

Open Gym @ 9 am

Joe Kusnitz