Tuesday, October 22nd

Warmup: 10 minutes of:

6 Goblet Squats,

30 second single arm plank hold (15 seconds on each arm),

6 box jumps,

200 meter row


Strength: 15 minutes working on Heaving Snatch Balance


WOD: “Isabelle”

30 Snatches for Time 135/95#


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

24 down by 2 of

Box Step-ups



with a run around the building after each set

Joe Kusnitz
Monday, October 21st

Warmup: 10 minutes of:

9 jumping jacks,

9 curl-ups,

9 pushups,

9 ring rows,

9 goblet postion lunges



Bulgarian Split Squat: 6x4 Each Leg


Tempo Back Squat: 6x3 (3201) = (3 seconds down, 2 seconds at bottom, 0 up, 1 second at top)


WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP:

2k Row then

with time remaining - Max reps burpee over rower

Joe Kusnitz
Saturday & Sunday, October 19th & 20th

Super Saturday

ECF's 12 Days of Endurance:


2 Box Muscle Ups and Over,

3 Wallballs,

4 Pushups,

5 Calories on Assault Bike,

6 Pullups,

7 Burpees,

8 Calories on Rower,

9 Jumping Lunges,

10 Calories on Ski Erg,

11 Ball over Bar,

12 Box Jumps and Over



Sunday Funday @ 8 am

4 Rounds of:

DB Clean & Jerks x 6 ea arm

+ 6 Alt Landmine Press Out

22 Min Amrap

15/25 Cals Bike

30 S2OH (KBs)

50 DU / 100 SU

Open Gym @ 9 am

Joe Kusnitz