Thursday, June 13th
Step out of your comfort zone
Warmup: 10!
Calorie Row
Reverse Hypers
Ring Rows
Super Set x 3 Rounds ~ Not For Time
A - Banded Back Squat x 6
B - OLY Bar Hip Thrusts x 8
C - OLY Bar Land Mines x 10
WOD: Teams of 3 Athletes ~ 30 Minute CAP!
200 Calories on Bike then,
3 Rounds of
50 Shoulder to Over-head
100 Walking Lunges
200 Double Unders
Round 1 use: 135/95#
Round 2 use: 155/105#
Round 3 use: 185/115#
Endurance: Meet at ECC @ 530 am
Team bike ride with Woody