Tuesday, May 28th
Great work to everyone who participated in Murph yesterday in honor of those who serve our country! So many personal victories: athletes completing the workout for the first time, completing it with a VEST for the first time, beating past times, completing it with kids(!), scaling smart to avoid injury, and athletes maintaining the courage and fortitude to put one foot in front of the other until the work was done. Congrats! #ECCpride
Warmup: 3 Rounds of
1 dumpster dash
10 box jumps
10 wall balls
10 jumping jacks
Super Set x 4 ~ Not for Time
A - Push Press x 6
B - Ring Rows x 10
C - Banded Pull Aparts x 20
WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP
10 Shoulder to Overhead 95/65#
10 Toes to Bar
Endurance: Meet at ECC @ 6 am
1 Mile Run then,
GHD Situps
with 100 meter row after set