Friday, May 3rd
FLEX FRIDAY IS BAAAAACK. Stick around after the 5:30 class for some celebratory Friday wine with friends!
Flash back to two Fridays ago… PR city! And who knew Xan’s PR snatch would be a prelude to a new personal best squat, deadlift, and bench. Congratulations to EVERYONE who is working toward and hitting their 2019 goals! Keep it up!
Warmup: 10 minutes of
1 dumpster dash
2 forward rolls
3 box step ups
4 kbs
Flex Friday!
Buy-in: 50 Burpees for Time
Bench 10-8-6-4-2 with the following after each set ~ not for time
6 chin ups
12 Kettlebell High pulls
3 Rounds ~ not for Time
10 laying Kettlebell pull-overs
10 single are Kettlebell row (10 on each arm)
10 seated DB Curls (10 on each arm)