Thursday, September 28th
Warmup: 12 minutes of
300 meter row
10 reverse hypers
20 banded monster walks
30 Mountain Climbers
Buy-in: 8 minutes of Turkish Get-ups
Strength: OLY Bar OH Walking Lunges3x10 ~ max weight
WOD: Team Nicole - 30minute AMRAP
400 meter run
Max Rep Pullups
*Partner A runs a 400 meter while Partner B performs max rep pullups - when the athletes hands come off the bar then he/or she must do 10 burpees and wait for Partner A to come back before switching
*Score = Pullups
Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am
Happy Birthday Savannah! You are beautiful and Savage AF
"Savannah Savage" in honor of my beautiful little girl's birthday!
1 mile farmers carry wearing a weighted vest - each time athlete breaks - 5 burpees before each re-start