Friday, September 29th

Warmup: 12 minutes of

1 dumpster dash

6 knees to elbows

8 pushups

10 ring rows


Body Building Buy-in/Strength: 4 Rounds ~ Not for Time

10 Weighted back extensions

10 Seated Dumbell Side Raises

10 Seated Single KB Tricep Extensions

10 Seated Single KB High Pull


WOD: 4x 2 min AMRAP's with 1 minute rest between each round

2 Thrusters 115/75# + 2 Box Jumps 24/20"

 4 Thrusters 115/75# + 4 Box Jumps

6 Thrusters 115/75# + 6 Box Jumps

8 Thrusters 115/75# + 8 Box Jumps

*continue until time is called ~ pick up where you leave off each round

Joe KusnitzComment