Saturday - Monday, July 15th - 17th
Elm City CrossFit will run the WOD for the Warrior!
Elm City would like to honor the passing of one of our own community members. Shoreline CrossFit and its community have been close friends of ours since the beginning and with the tragedy of this past week's events, we too would like to honor the amazing life of one little warrior!
Ben Callahan just 10 years old was an outstanding athlete and he excelled in just about anything he did. He had a love and a passion for Football, Basketball, and Lacrosse, he pushed himself self to the max in each sport and would often wear his heart on his sleeve like a " true warrior" as he is often called. Ben also excelled in the classroom and was talented in so many ways. He loved instruments, music, cooking for his family and he enjoyed helping his dad multi task at work. Ben should be labeled as a humanitarian. He would spend time helping anyone that needed help, whether it be a neighbor, family member friend or his fellow campers, he was there to help when you needed him. Ben was #2 of three boys, Cooper #1 and Scout # 3 these brothers were inseparable! They were always together, they were best of friends. These boys were raised with nothing but love by Dave and Paula and their loving family. Anytime you see them they always had smiles on their faces. They have respect, and love and care for people in general. The Branford Community lost a great child last Friday but his spirit will reign through each and every one of us! Ben you will always be remembered as a friend to all and #2 to all of us. You have touched so many people in your short time here on earth.
Wod #1 as Individual:
Perform 3 Rounds of:
Station 1:
10 Tire Flips
10 Burpees
10 Box Jumps 30/24
- rest 60 secs
Station 2:
10 Deadlifts @ 1.85/1.25 X BW (Heavy)
10 Burpees
10 CTB Pull Ups
- rest 60 secs
Ben's loved sprint style workouts and heavy. His max deadlift was 185 at a 100lb BW.
These rounds are to be performed in an alternating format and really hard.
Wod #2 in Teams of 3:
"Ben The Warrior"
2 Total Rounds:
3 Mins of Max Deadlifts 185/125#
- 1 min rest
3 Mins of Max Box Jumps
- 1 min rest
3 Mins of Max Med Ball over Shoulder
- 1 min rest
3 Mins of Max Pull Ups
- 1 min rest
5 Mins of Max "Cheater" Burpees (don't open your hips fully)
- 1 min rest
The #2 was Ben's name. The 3 is for the 3 brother. The 5 is for the family of 5 including parent's Dave and Paula.
Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill
*7 am Sunday Funday ~ Everyone Welcome even non-members
Warmup: 5 Rounds of
5 Ring rows
10 dumbell bench or floor presses
15 air Squats
Buy-in: 30 Hand release pushups ~ not for time
Strength: 15 minutes to establish a heavy thruster
WOD: "Jackie"
1000 meter row
50 Thruster 45/33#
30 Pullups
Sellout: Muscle up practice