Wednesday, December 20th

Rich, Chris, Marie, Sarah, and Justine crush the 1000m row in Monday's "Dumbbell Hell"!

Warmup: 10 minutes of

2 minutes squat therapy

15 meter bear crawl

15 weighted situps

15 supermans

15 jumping jacks


Buy-in: Perfect Snatch Complex ~ dont care about weight - we need perfect movement!

Mid-shin to high hang x6

Mid-shin to snatch pull x6

Mid-shin to power snatch x6

Mid-shin to full squat snatch x 6

Over-head Squat x6


Strength: Snatch (power or full squat ~ depends on the athlete)

1x5, 3x3, 3x1


WOD: "Karen"

150 Wallballs for time 20/16#

Joe KusnitzComment