Saturday - Monday, December 16th - 18th
Warmup: Coaches Choice
OTM x 10 minutes
2 Snatches ~ athlete can add weight
rest 2 minutes
OTM x 10 Minutes
2 - Clean & Jerks ~ athlete can add weight
Rest 5 minutes
"Mr Joshua" - SO1 Joshua Thomas Harris, 36, drowned during combat operations, August 30th 2008 in Afghanistan.He is survived by his parents Dr. Sam and Evelyn Harris, his brother Ranchor and twin sister Kiki.
First posted 10 October 2008
5 Rounds for Time
400 meter run
30 GHD Situps
15 Deadlifts 250/160#
Amnesty - Pick a workout you may have missed during the week or work on a skill
**7 am Sunday Funday ~ everyone is welcome - even non members
Warmup: 5 Rounds of
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
Buy-in: complete the following clean complex
Mid-shin to high hang x 6
Mid-shin to clean pull x 6
Mid-shin to power clean x 6
Power Jerks x 6
Split Jerk x 6
Strength: Clean & Jerk 1x5, 3x3, 3x1
WOD: 12 minute AMRAP
1000 meter row then, (only do the row once)
10 Pushup position dumbell row
10 dumbell Cleans
10 dumbell push press
10 dumbell front squats
**Athlete picks dumbell weight