Thursday, January 26th

Wamup: 10 minutes of

1 Dumpster Dash

2 Forward Rolls

3 Bench Presses

4 GHD Situps


Buy-in: 10 minutes of Turkish Get-Up Practice


Strength: Back Squat 3x10 One and a Halfs @ 50% BW


WOD: Teams of 2 or 3

4 Mins Max Rep KBS 55/35# *one athlete performs movement - other athlete holds KB

5 Min Max Rep Wall balls 20/14# *one athlete performs movement - other athlete holds WB

6 Min Max Rep Knees to Elbows *one athlete performs movement - other athlete rests

7 Mins Max Calorie Row *one athlete performs movement - other athlete runs a dumpster dash


Buy-out: 6x500 meter row ~ 2 min rest between each round


Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am

1,2 or 3 x 2 mile repeats ~ 3 minutes rest between each round

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