Tuesday, February 16th

Warmup: 3 Rounds of

10 ball slams

15 reverse hypers

20 mountain climbers

25 jumping jacks

30 banded monster walk steps


Buy-in: 30 Chest to Bar Pullups 


Strength: Back Squat 5x5 ~ Moderate to Heavy weight


WOD: 5 Rounds for time

20 Box Jumps

20 Kettlebell Suitcase Deadlift 70/55# (in each hand)


Endurance: meet at ECC @ 6 am

3 Rounds for time:

20 Wall balls 20/14#

10 Cal row

20 Box Jumps

10 Cal row

20 KBS

10 Cal row

20 Situps

10 Cal row

20 Burpees

10 Cal row


Joe KusnitzComment