Thursday, November 3rd
Warmup: 12 minutes of
12 ab mat situps
12 bench presses
12 Oly Bar OH walking lunges
Buy-in: 1 minute max rep HSPU's
Strength: Thursters 1x10, 2x6, 3x3 ~ Increasing Load
WOD: Teams of 2 Athletes - 20 Minute AMRAP
9 Cal Row
9 Box Jump and Overs 20"
9 Thrusters 96/65#
*Athlete must complete the entire round before the partner exchange
Endurance: Meet at YMCA - Group Swim
1x200 meter warmup
4x100 meter, 3x200 meter, 2x 300 meter, 1x 400 - rest = work
*Scale as needed