Friday, December 25th!
Merry Christmas!
While the rest of the world is celebrating the birth of someone special - We are going to honor and celebrate the birth of someone special and dear to our Elm City CrossFit family. Finally, you will not be over sighted by the birth of someone else! Happy 25th on the 25th to the best and most loyal training partner EVER!
"Alex P" - Teams of 2 or 3
To be completed like the 12 days of Christmas only we have over double the amount because someone is turning 25!
1 Rope Climb
2 HSPU's
3 Snatch 95/65#
4 10 meter shuttle run
5 floor press 95/65#
6 knees to elbows
7 deadlifts 95/65#
8 pushups
9 KBS 55/35#
10 pullups
11 med ball cleans
12 calorie row
13 DU's
14 situps
15 sumo deadlift high pull 95/65#
16 wall balls 20/14#
17 box jumps 24/20"
18 burpees
19 kb goblet squat lunge 55/35#
20 power clean 95/65#
21 push press 95/65#
22 air squats
23 slam ball 20/14#
24 thrusters 95/65#
25 tire flips