Monday, October 1st - Wednesday, October 3rd
Monday, October 1st
15-12-9 -6-3
Straight Leg Deadlift [115# / 85#]
Hang Power Snatch [115# / 85#]
Overhead Squat [115# / 85#]
Tuesday, October 2nd
Buy In:
6 Rope Climbs
Subsequent to the Buy In:
Bench Press
2 x Max Reps at 70%
3 x 3 at 90% of one rep max
Athletes to complete both sets of max reps prior to moving onto the 3 heavy sets. Rest as needed between sets.
25 Minute Circuit Training
1 minute @ Each Station x 5 Rounds.
Jump Rope
Air Squats
Movement from one station to the next will continuous. No rest between stations, no rest between rounds.
Wednesday, October 3rd
Deadlifts @ 85% of one rep max
Box Jumps [30" / 24"]