Thursday, September 27th - Sunday, September 30th
Thursday, September 27th
Buy in:
100 Double Unders [Sub Single Unders at 2:1]
Clean and Jerks - each effort to be performed as singles
Athletes will warm up as appropriate, then complete 20 reps total in the 70% - 85% of one rep max range [increasing weight over the course of those 20 reps]. Athletes will then complete 7 additional reps in the 85% - 95% of one rep max range [again increasing weight as you go]. As noted above, each rep will be a single effort.
THURSDAY ENDURANCE - 2 Mile repeats [2x, 3x or 4x] Athletes to rest 3 -5 minutes betwen runs.
Friday, September 28th
20 Minutes - As Many Rounds As Possible
200 Meter Row
1 Rope Climb
Saturday, September 29th
Thrusters [95# / 65#]
Sunday, September 30th
Amnesty - Pick a workout you missed from the previous week [no repeats]