Thursday, October 4th - Sunday, October 7th
Thursday, October 4th
10 down : 1 Up
Kettlebell Swings [70# / 55#]
Athletes will complete 10 Kettlebell Swings, 1 Doubleunder, 9 KBS, 2 DU's, etc. until they reach 1 KBS and 10 DU's.
Immediately followed by:
30 Wallballs [20# / 16#]
20 Burpees
10 Handstand Pushups
Athletes total accumulated time will be recorded. There is no rest between the two pieces of the workout.
THURSDAY ENDURANCE - Meet at Eli Whitney
3, 4 or 5 repeats from Armory to Prospect. On Odd Intervals, athletes to walk/jog back for recovery. On Even Intervals, athletes to sprint back down, then recover at teh bottom for 3 minutes.
Friday, October 5th
5 x 5 Shoulder Presses @ 80% one rep max
Ahletes will have 20 minutes to warmup and complete 5 work sets of Shoulder Press. At minute 20 athletes will complete the following:
10 Minutes - As Many Rounds As Possible
10 Shoulder Presses [95# / 65#]
10 Toes to Bar
10 Bar Facing Burpees [jump at top of Burpee is over the bar instead of vertical]
Saturday, October 6th
20 Snatch [Full Squat or Split] Singles @ 85% of one rep max
20 Overhead Squat Singles @ 85% of one rep max
Athletes to spend remaining time working on Muscle Up progressions.
Sunday, October 7th
Amnesty - Pick a workout you missed from the previous week [no repeats]