Thursday, August 2nd - Sunday, August 5th
Thursday, August 2nd
20 Reps [10 minutes]
1 Snatch [Squat, Power and Split are acceptable] @ 85% of one rep max
to be completed every 30 seconds
THURSDAY ENDURANCE @ECC - 4 or 6 x 800 (1:1 Work to Rest) Example - If it takes you 4:00 minutes to run 800 meter, then you rest for the next 4:00 minutes.
Friday, August 3rd
Buy In: 5x Rope Climb [Wear long pants and/or high socks]
2 Mile Time Trial
2 Mile Time Trial to begin approximately 3 minutes after last athlete completes Buy In.
Saturday, August 4th
12 Minutes As Many Rounds As Possible [AMRAP]
2 Handstand Pushups
4 Pullups [Dead Hang, Kip, Butterfly are all acceptable]
6 Knees to Elbows
Sunday, August 5th
Amnesty - Pick a workout you missed from the previous week [no repeats]