Monday, July 30th - Wednesday, August 1st

This is the start of our Hypertrophy and Endurance block.  During this 8 - 10 week cycle, there will be an increase of overall volume and a decrease in the % of one rep max lbs used [typically 85% or less] for the majority of workouts.

Monday, July 30th

12 Minutes As Many Rounds As Possible [AMRAP]

20 Walking Lunges [10 each leg]

2 Clean and Jerk @ 75% Bodyweight

200 Meter Run

The Clean is of the full squat variety, and the Jerk can be any of Push, Power or Split.


Tuesday, July 31st

3 Rounds For Time [RFT]

10 Dumbell Man-Makers [weight TBD by athlete]

20 Toes to Bar

1 Gym Loop of Crab Walk

3 Minutes after completion of the above, athletes will complete:

2 Rounds For Time [RFT]

20 Wallball with Pushup

GHD Hip & Back Extension

Dumbell Man-Maker is initiated from the standing position.  Athlete hits the deck with dumbells in hand, similar to a strict burpee.  Athlete performs a pushup on the dumbells, dumbell row with each arm, another pushup on the dumbells, then returns to the standing position.  Dumbells are then cleaned to shoulders and pressed or push pressed overhead.  This cycle counts as 1 rep.

Wallball with Pushup is initiated with a standard Wallball shot.  After athletes receive rebound, they will put ball on the ground, and perform a pushup on the unstable ball.  After the pushup, athlete will reset and initiate the next rep with a Wallball shot.

Setup for GHD Hip & Back Extension is with athletes hips in front of the GHD pad.  Athletes will then complete a standard Back Extension ["cat back"], with the movement finishing in full extension of the spine.

TUESDAY ENDURANCE - @Hamden High School Track 


Wednesday, August 1st

4 x 10 Bench Press @ 75% of One Rep Max

Sellout [rest time at discretion of athletes]:

2 Rounds

Max rep Deadhang Pullups

Max rep Ring Pushups

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