Monday, August 6th - Wednesday, August 8th
Monday, August 6th
3 Sets of Max Rep Front Squats @ 75% Bodyweight
3 Minutes after the last athlete completes the above;
5 Down
Back Squats @ 50% Bodyweight
Box Over [24"/20"]
Athletes rest between sets of Front Squats will be 3 minutes.
The "5 Down" portion of the workout is to be completed at follows; 5 Back Squats, 5 Box Overs, 4 Back Squats, 4 Box Overs, etc. Last round would consist of 1 Back Squat and 1 Box Over. Athletes will take the weights for their Back Squats from the floor.
Tuesday, August 7th
4 Rounds
1 Shoulder Press @ 85% of one rep max
3 Push Press
5 Split Jerk
10 Burpees
2 Minutes Recovery
The weight determined by the Shoulder Press % will be used throughout the entire workout. There will be a 2 minute recovery period built into each round after the completion of the burpees.
TUESDAY ENDURANCE @ Eli Whitney on Whitney Ave - East Rock Special with Coach Kimmie - wear your trail shoes - see you at 6 am
Wednesday, August 8th
20 Minutes As Many Rounds As Possible [AMRAP]
10 Ring Rows
200 Meter Farmers Walk [2x 45#/25# Dumbells]
20 Air Squats