Thursday, July 26th - Sunday, July 29th
Thursday, July 26th
8 Rounds For Time [RFT]
100 Meter Row or 200 Meter Run
3 Box Jumps [30"/24"]
3 Dead Hang Pullups
Athlete may choose to Run instead of Row. Selection to remain consistent throughout all 8 rounds.
THURSDAY ENDURANCE @ ECC Run 10! (Each athlete will begin by running 10 minutes then rest, run 9 minutes then rest, run 8 minutes then rest.... The rest will be self-regulated but should not exceed 3 mins)
Friday, July 27th
3 x 7 Deadlifts @ 80%
Each set to be followed immediately by Max Rep Ring Dips
Athlete's may rest as needed between sets.
Saturday, July 28th
ECC Summer Throwdown Series #2
Kicks off at 9am. ECC Members only.
BBQ to follow. We've got meat, if you would like, bring a dish.
Come Celebrate Vin's Last Weekend at ECC following the Throwdown
Thanks for all the well wishes and kind words that many have expressed in person or via email/text. It’s hard for me to express my lifelong love for "fitness" on paper (probably why I haven’t written a book).
As I prepare for a new challenge, I have been reflecting on the last 3 years. As a gym, we have represented well at throw-downs, road races, triathlons, trail races, obstacle course races, exc.
We started with nothing, just an idea. “Let’s be a little different than the other CF’s in the area.” We weren’t nor are we currently the biggest, loudest, or the most trendy CF location. This is what we are: ECC is quality movements, coupled with realistic programming in an environment that supports everyone. Rx’d, scaled, 6 days a week, or 2 days a week. Who cares, just put in work!
Recently, we have had the opportunity to grow. In a little over a month ECC and Soulcraft BJJ will move to an awesome location (over 9000sq/ft!). Seriously, I tip my hat to each and every one of you. For over 900 days you have made your way to my class. I am not sure why, but thank you for helping me live my dream. In 400 days (or less) we will meet again.
Lastly, Take great pride in the fact that YOU have built ECC to what it has and what it will become. If I come back and the gym sucks…You fucked up!
Train Smart, Eat Clean, and Smile Often =)
Sunday, July 29th
Amnesty - Pick a workout you missed from the previous week [no repeats]