Monday, July 23rd - Wednesday, July 25th
Monday, July 23rd
10 Rounds For Time [RFT]
5 Muscle Snatch
10 Bar Over Burpees
The Muscle Snatch will be at an extremely light weight, emphasizing the high pull to move the weight from waist to overhead in one movement. The hips may open and close slightly, however athletes should try to avoid using the hips to generate the majority of the power.
The Bar Over Burpee consist of ahtletes "hitting theh deck" parallell to their Snatch bar, then performing a lateral jump over the bar. Athletes are expected to fully open up their hips as they transition from burpee to lateral jump.
Approximately 5 minutes after your 10 rounds are completed:
10 Single Reps of Shoulder Press [racks may be used as needed] @ 80% of one rep max
Tuesday, July 24th
10 Rounds, each round begins every 75 seconds
3 Cleans [full squat] @ 75% of one rep max
Crack Dash
A new round will begin every 75 seconds. Athletes rest will be remaining time in each round after they complete the work above.
Wednesday, July 25th
10 Down - Kettlebell Swings [American Style @ 70#/55#]
1 Up - Floor Press @ 75% Bodyweight
Athletes will progress through 10 rounds of the above work, as fast as possible. The rep scheme is such that athletes will alternate between KBS and Floor Presses, beginning with 10 & 1, 9 & 2, 8 & 3, etc. until they reach 1 KBS and 10 Floor Presses.