Thursday, July 19th - Sunday, July 22nd
Thursday, July 19th
15 minutes As Many Rounds As Possible [AMRAP]
1 Rope Climb
200 meter Dumbell Carry [55#/35# each hand]
Athletes, please plan ahead and wear thick high socks, or pants for the Rope Climb.
THURSDAY ENDURANCE @ ECC 8, 10, 12 Leeder Hill Repeats
Friday, July 20th
10 rounds [Minutes] of Snatch [Power, Split or Squat]
Each minute, athletes will perform 2 Snatches at 90% of their one rep max.
Athletes will rest the remainder of the minute.
Immediately following the 10th minute:
3 Rounds for Time
5 Pullups
10 Pushups
15 Air Squats
Saturday, July 21st
8 Rounds for Time
200 meter run
20 Double Unders [Single under substitution 1:3]
Sunday, July 22nd
Amnesty - Pick a workout you missed from the previous week [no repeats]