Monday, July 16th - Wednesday, July 18th

Monday, July 16th

50 Wallballs for time [20#/16#]

Wallballs should be completed continuously with no breaks / drops.  Penalty for dropped wallball, or break is crack dash sprint [and I mean sprint, no slow pace jog to recover].

Approximately 5 minutes after last athlete completes Wallballs:

Death by Pullups [pullup type and scaling as appropriate]

It is Cillian's birthday, and as you all are likely aware, he is part monkey like his dad.  In his honor, we are going to do some pullups.

Death by is as follows:

Minute 1 = 1 pullup, Minute 2 = 2 pullups, Minute 3 = 3 pullups etc. until reps are not completed in the given minute.  Athletes that do not complete round 10 successfully, will take 1 minute off, then work backwards down from their last successfully completed round back to 1.


Tuesday, July 17th

5 Rounds for Time

20 Walking Lunges [un-weighted, each time your knee touches the ground = 1 rep]

200 meter run

1 Bear Crawl Loop [marked off inside gym]

TUESDAY ENDURANCE @ ECC 6, 8 or 10 Rounds of 20 box jumps & suicide sprints 


Wednesday, July 18th

24 Reps of Clean and Jerk @ 80%

24 reps to be broken into sets as needed.  Rest time between sets is also as needed.  Clean is to be of the full squat variety, Jerk can be any of push, power or split.
