Thursday Dec 20 - Sunday Dec 23
20 minutes skill work- Includes one of the following:
Pullups, HSPU, T2B, Muscle Ups, or Pistols
WOD: 1 minute on, 1 minute off until completion of:
30 Snatches (135, 95#)
All athletes will begin with a 3-2-1 go! Each individual will begin working towards your total accumulated amount of snatches. At the top of each minute, the athlete will rest until the start of the next minute until all 30 snatches are completed.
Endurance @The Box (at ECC Main Gym)
25 X 100 Yard Dash – On the Minute (OTM)
WOD: 30-20-10 of
KBS 55#/35#
Box Jumps 24”/20”
Sellout: 3X500 Meter Row – Self Regulated Rest
10 Min AMRAP of the following:
30XThrusters 55/33#
30XThrusters 75/55#
30XThrusters 95/75#
30XThrusters 135/95#
Amnesty - Make up a workout you may have missed during the week