Monday Dec 17th - Wednesday Dec 19th

WOD: For Time
20 Wall Ball (WB) 20/14#
20 Pull ups
200 Meter Run
15 Wall Ball
15 Pull ups
200 Meter Run
10 Wall Balls
10 Pull ups
200 Meter Run
5 Wall Balls
5 Pull ups
200 Meter Run

Run Course = Athlete goes to the rail trail and takes a right - proceed to the 100 meter turn-around (a 1 is marked on the left side of the trail) and come back.
Buy-in: 100 Burpees for Time

Strength: 3 X Max Rep Front Squat at Body Weight (BW)
should not exceed 70 Reps
Endurance: @ Hamden High School Track (in Rear of School - off Dixwell)
Double Unders & Bleachers - bring your favorite jump rope or Joe will bring some from the gym
On The Minute (OTM) for 15 minutes of:
2- Squat Cleans @ 75% of 1RM
3- Push ups

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