Wednesday, Feb 5th

Warmup: 12 minutes of:

12 jumping jacks,

12 single arm kb suitcase deadlift (6 per side),

12 Single KB Box Step-ups,

12 calorie Ski Erg,

12 Reverse Hypers


Strength: Deadlift 5x5


WOD: 5 Minute AMRAP:

1 Deadlift @BW + 1 T2B,

2 Deadlifts + 2 T2B.... unitl time is called,

Rest 2 minutes then,

5 Minute AMRAP:

1 KBS + 1 Pushup,

2 KBS + 2 Pushups... continue adding 1 rep until time is called

Joe Kusnitz
Tuesday, Feb 4th

Warmup: 4 Rounds of:

2 minutes bike or row,

8 Hip Extensions,

30-45 second Plank Holds,

8 Ring rows,

8 Weighted Knee ups,

8 Pushups


Strength: Front Squat 5x5


WOD: 3 rounds for time:

30 Calorie row,

20 box jumps and step overs,

30 DU's


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

10 rounds for time:

10 burpees,

20 jumping lunges,

30 Situps,

1 run around the building

Joe Kusnitz
Monday, Feb 3rd

Warmup: 3 Rounds of:

200 meter run,

7 spider push-ups,

7 Banded Scap Pulls


Strength/Skill: Power Jerks 5x4


WOD: 8 Rounds for Time:

3 Chest to bar pullups,

6 burpees,

12 Calorie Assault Bike

Joe Kusnitz