Saturday & Sunday, Feb 1st & 2nd

Super Saturday

OTM x 10 minutes

2 Squat Cleans


6x2 min AMRAP - 1 min rest of:

1 Thrusters,

1 C2B,

2 Thrusters,

2 C2B…

(continue ascending even after rest)



Sunday Funday @ 8 am ~ Everyone Welcome

Single Arm KB Complex

KB Turkish Getup


3 Hang Clean

3 Jerks

Turkish Get(down)

WOD for Time: 9, 15, 21, 15, 9

Med Ball Russian Twist (20/14)

Med Ball over Bar

Med Ball slams

Row Calories

Open Gym @ 9 am

New Haven Rugby Class @ 10 am

Joe Kusnitz
Friday, January 31st

New Feature Alert: Sauna

We are excited to announce that ECF is now offering a brand-new sauna experience for our athletes! As part of our commitment to your overall wellbeing, the sauna provides a perfect complement to your training regimen.

When can you access it?

The sauna will be turned on during class times. The sauna will be turned on at 530 am and then again at 430 pm.

Monday - Friday 530-700 am & 430-700 pm

Saturday - 800-1000 am

Sunday - 800-1000 am

Athletes can use the sauna when the gym is open. This does not mean that you get in the sauna after class and expect the coach to hang around. Please be respectful of everyone’s time.

So how do we participate? The sauna is an extra offering from Elm City Fitness. It also adds a significant increase in power usage. For this reason, we are offering the following options:

Unlimited Membership will get you access to the sauna at no additional charge.

Limited Members can access the sauna unlimited for $50 per month added onto your current membership rate.

Grandfathered Rate Athletes will be required to pay an additional $50 per month as an add on for this new service or participate in the Sauna drop in rate.

Pay per session - $15 per session. ECF QR payment code will be provided outside of the sauna. Simply scan, pay and sweat.

Don’t want to get in with other members there - Members with Key access will also have access to the Sauna area outside of the standard class/open gym hours with the additional $50 per month added to your existing monthly rate! You must already pay for the key access package + $50 sauna fee.

Warmup: 10 Minutes of:

8 Calorie Ski Erg,

8 Single Leg Romainian Deadlift (each side),

8 Split Squats,

8 Slamballs,

8 Supermans


Strength: Deadlift - On the 4 minute x 5 rounds --> 6 reps


WOD: 21-15-9 of:

Deadlift 225/155#,

Box Jumps 24/20"

Joe Kusnitz
Thursday, January 30th

New Feature Alert: Sauna

We are excited to announce that ECF is now offering a brand-new sauna experience for our athletes! As part of our commitment to your overall wellbeing, the sauna provides a perfect complement to your training regimen.

When can you access it?

The sauna will be turned on during class times. The sauna will be turned on at 530 am and then again at 430 pm.

Monday - Friday 530-700 am & 430-700 pm

Saturday - 800-1000 am

Sunday - 800-1000 am

Athletes can use the sauna when the gym is open. This does not mean that you get in the sauna after class and expect the coach to hang around. Please be respectful of everyone’s time.

Benefits of the Sauna:

  • Muscle Recovery: Relax those muscles after an intense workout and promote faster recovery.

  • Detoxification: Sweating helps to eliminate toxins from your body, improving your overall health.

  • Stress Relief: Enjoy a peaceful moment to unwind and de-stress after your busy day.

  • Enhanced Circulation: Improve blood flow to help with your endurance and performance.

So how do we participate? The sauna is an extra offering from Elm City Fitness. It also adds a significant increase in power usage. For this reason, we are offering the following options:

Unlimited Membership will get you access to the sauna at no additional charge.

Limited Members can access the sauna unlimited for $50 per month added onto your current membership rate.

Pay per session - $15 per session. ECF QR payment code will be provided outside of the sauna. Simply scan, pay and sweat.

Don’t want to get in with other members there - Members with Key access will also have access to the Sauna area outside of the standard class/open gym hours with the additional $50 per month added to your existing monthly rate! You must already pay for the key access package + $50 sauna fee.


Warmup: 10 minutes of:

8 Scap Pushups,

8 KBS,

8 single arm db press (4 each side),

8 frog hops,

30 second plank hold


Strength/Skill: Snatch - On the 4 minute x 5 rounds --> 6 reps


WOD: 2 Rounds for Time:

800 meter run,

30 Alternating Single Arm DB Snatches 45/25#,

30 Burpees over DB


Endurance: Meet @ ECF at 530 am

2x Death by 10 meters

Joe Kusnitz