Wednesday, January 8th

Warmup: 3 rounds of

12 lunges,

12 ring rows,

12 pushups,

12 back extension


Strength: Deadlift 6x6 with 2 second pause at the knee


WOD: 4 rounds:

weighted bear crawl with DB x 20 meters,

Burpee Deadlifts with DB's x 6,

Knees to Elbows x 12,

1 Dumpster Dash

Joe Kusnitz
Tuesday, January 7th

Warmup: 3 rounds:

Tates PRess x 8,

Banded pull aparts x 20,

Seated tricept ext x 12,

kb pullovers x 8


Strength: Bench Press 6x6


WOD: 10!

Hang Squat Cleans 135/95#,



Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

row 2K,

bike 120 cals,

run 1 mile

Joe Kusnitz
Monday, January 6th

Warmup: 3 Rounds of:

10 calorie assault bike,

10 goblet squats,

10 ghd situps,

10 alternating quadapeds


Strength: Front Squat 6x6


WOD: 50-40-30-20-10 of





30 second goblet hold in bottom,

20 single legged KB deadlifts (10 on each leg),

30 flutter kicks

Joe Kusnitz