Warmup: Coaches Choice
12 Days of Christmas ~ Day 2
For time 5 rounds of:
20 pull-ups,
30 push-ups,
40 sit-ups,
50 air squats,
3 minutes rest
Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am
Same as Main WOD!
Warmup: Coaches Choice
12 Days of Christmas ~ Day 2
For time 5 rounds of:
20 pull-ups,
30 push-ups,
40 sit-ups,
50 air squats,
3 minutes rest
Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am
Same as Main WOD!
12 Days of Christmas ~ Day 1
Warmup: Coaches Choice
Strength: 15 minutes working on Front Squat Mechanics
WOD: Red Nosed Reindeer
For Time:
25 Calorie Row,
25 Burpees,
25 Double Unders,
25 Power Cleans 115/75#,
25 Weighted Lunges 115/75#,
25 Push Presses 115/75#,
25 Hang Snatches 115/75#
Super Saturday
For Time:
800 meter run,
3 Rope Climbs,
21 Power Cleans 135/95#,
21 Knees to Elbows,
1000 meter row,
2 Rope Climbs,
15 Power Cleans,
15 K2E,
3200 meter Assault Bike,
1 Rope Climb,
9 Power Cleans,
9 K2E
Sunday Funday @ 8 am ~ Anyone is Welcome!
4x10 Superset of
Seated single arm db press
V Ups
4x10 Superset of (10 total, not each side)
Plank KB Pull Throughs
Kneeling landmine Around the World
KB Windmills
21, 15, 9 For Time:
KBS (55/35)
Box Overs
Wall Ball Situps 20/14
Calorie Bike
Open Gym @ 9 am
New Haven Rugby Class @ 10 am