Tuesday, November 19th

Warmup: 3 rounds:

Tates Press x 8,

Banded pull aparts x 20,

Seated tricept ext x 12,

kb pullovers x 8


Strength: Bench Press 6x6


WOD: 10!

Hang Cleans 135/95#,

ring dips


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

For Time:

800 meter run

3 Rounds of:

20 cal row

20 pushups

20 ab mat Situps

1 mile run

2 Rounds of

20 cal row

20 pushups

20 ab mat Situps

800 meter run

20 cal row

20 pushups

20 ab mat Situps

Joe Kusnitz
Monday, November 18th

Warmup: 15 minutes of

30 second goblet hold in bottom,

20 single legged KB deadlifts (10 on each leg),

30 flutter kicks

20 Calorie Ski Erg


Strength: Front Squat 6x6

Finish with Row machine ~ 2 minute time trial for distance <Rowvember>


WOD: For Time

50 wall balls,

40 cal row,

30 KBS,

20 wall balls,

10 cal row

Joe Kusnitz
Saturday & Sunday, November 16th & 17th

Super Saturday


Warmup: Coaches Choice


Open 22.1

15 Minute AMRAP

3 Wall Walks,

12 DB Snatches 50/35#,

15 Box Jumps and Overs 24/20"



Sunday Funday @ 8 am

4x8 Barbell Z Press

Bodybuilding 3 Rounds of

10 x Gorilla KB Row

10 x Russian twist w press

10 x KB Shrug

10 x KB Pullovers

10 x KB Seated OH Press

10 min of 30: on/30: rest - 10 m Sprints

9 am ~ Open Gym & New Haven Rugby Strength and Conditioning Class

Joe Kusnitz