Tuesday, February 28th

Warmup: 10 minutes of:

10 Spider Pushups,

20 jumping jacks,

40 single unders,

50 toe taps to plate


Body Building: Super Set x 4 rounds ~

DB Seated Arnold Press x 10,

DB Incline Row x 10,

DB Flat Bench flies x10,

Bar Dips x 10


WOD: 20 minute AMRAP:

Row ~ at each 4 minute mark perform the following:

5 pullups,

10 pushups,

15 situps


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

40 minute AMRAP:

Row ~ at each 4 minute mark perform the following:

5 pullups,

7 dips

9 pushups,

12- 10 meter runs

15 situps

Joe Kusnitz