Tuesday, January 17th

Warmup: 4 Rounds of:

12 Jumping Jacks,

12 Burpees,

12 Reverse Lunge Steps,

12 DB Single Arm Press


Strength: Bench Press 4x5 with the following after each set —>

20 double KB Front Squats,

15 Double KB Front Squats (add weight),

10 Double KB front Squats (add weight),

5 Double KB Front squats (add weight)


WOD: 8 Minute AMRAP:

8 KBS,

8 Toes to Bar,

8 cal row


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

25 MInute AMRAP:

Run around the building then,

3 rounds of

8 kbs,

8 Toes to Bar,

8 cal row

Joe Kusnitz