Tuesday, September 13th

Warmup: 10 minutes of:

kneeling KB around the world x 8,

Kneeling Single arm KB press x 8 (each side),

KB Russian twist x 8,

Plank position shoulder taps x 8,

8 calorie ski erg


Strength/Skill: 4 Rounds not for time:

OLY bar row x 8-12,

Eccentric Pullups x 6-8,

Box Assisted Pullups x 6-8,

Hollow Rocks x 10


WOD: On the Minute for 20 minutes of:

Minute 1: 20 sconds max pullups/c2b/BMU's,

Minute 2: 20 seconds max dips,

Minute 3: 20 seconds max Deadlifts 185/125#,

Minute 4: 20 seconds max GHD Situps,

Minute 5: 20 seconds max 10-Meter run sprints


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

10x 200 meter row, 10 bounding box jumps, 20 DU's

Joe Kusnitz