Thursday, August 12th

Midline: 3 Rounds ~ Not for Time

10 Meter Plate Push

10 Plate Around the World

10 Plate Russian Twists


Strength: Bench Press 3x6


WOD: 22 Minute AMRAP ~ Teams of 2 Athletes

8 Wall Balls 20/16#

10 DB Jerks 2x50/35’s

12/10 Calorie Row

*Only 1 athlete in motion

**Athlete must complete an entire round before switching


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

BA Thursday Tabata

1000 Meter Row then,

8 Rounds of Each Movement —> 30 Seconds work: 15 Seconds Rest

Jump Squat

1 minute rest


1 minute rest

High Knees

1 minute rest


1 minute rest


Joe Kusnitz