Thursday, May 27th

Warmup: Row, Run Bike —> get your blood flowing


Midline —> “GHDamn”

2 minutes max rep GHD Situps :)


Practice: Reverse Hypers


Strength: Power Clean 5x5


WOD: “Walt” ~ In honor of Walt’s deployment!

Teams of 2 Athletes ~ ONLY 1 in motion at a time

On The 2 minute for 10 Rounds

5 Deadlift 225/155#

10 Box Jumps 24/20”

15 Calorie on Assault Bike


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

Together down the Trail

“One meter at a Time to 5K”

800 meter run

20 plank shoulder taps

20 seconds rest from last person

800 meter run

20 Jumping Lunges

20 Seconds Rest

800 meter run

20 Crunches

20 seconds rest

800 meter run

20 Pushups

20 seconds rest

Then repeat back to the gym

Joe Kusnitz