Thursday, May 13th

Warmup: Row, Run Bike —> get your blood flowing


Midline —> “Spring Time” x 2 Rounds ~ Not for Time

Single leg Sorenson hold x 20 Seconds

Banded Monster Walk x 20 Steps

Burpee Tuck Jumps x 5


Practice: Row Technique


Strength: 6! Power Clean ~ Increasing Weight


WOD: 24 Minute AMRAP ~ Teams of 2 Athletes

Partner 1 Runs Around the Building

Partner 2 Performs AMRAP of

3 HSPU’s

6 Pullups

9 Plate Burpees 45/25#

rest 30 seconds —>If partner 1 returns from the run during the rest —> both athletes must rest until the entire rest period is over then swap positions


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

30 Minute AMRAP

Run Around the Building then,

3 Round of:

3 HSPU’s

6 Pullups

9 Plate Burpees 45/25#

rest 1 minute

Joe Kusnitz