Thursday -Saturday, April 9th -11th
What started out as a tester has turned into a teaser! After two years of sharpening her chain saw, climbing trees, grinding stumps, driving the Bobcat and constantly wondering where she is going to pee, Katie decided to leave her job as a tree girl and start her own business. She immediately signed up for the CrossFit Open Series hoping to simply test where she currently is, physically as she pivots and turns towards her new journey. Fast forward 6 weeks, 4 workouts, hours of learning how to use Youtube, hours of coaching and judging her fellow Openers and we are here! Our very own Coach Katie not only made the quarter finals but is in the top 5% of all women CrossFitters in the WORLD!
This may come as a surprise to some but for those who know Coach Katie, we are familiar with her conviction, vigor, work ethic and her desire to compete wholeheartedly.
Congratulations to all of our athletes like Coach Katie who participated in this Open and many other events and for taking the leap of faith and putting yourself out there for the entire world to see. Congratulations for representing yourself and our community so beautifully. We are honored, proud and beyond thankful to have you represent your Elm City Community.
The owners of Elm City Fitness want to invite anyone who wants to share in Katie’s Quarterfinals Experience. (UMMMM we are going to party) Please see the following timeline for information:
Thursday, 4/8 – Workout 1 @ 4 pm & Workout 2 @ 6 pm
Friday, 4/9 – Workout 3 @ 4 pm & Workout 4 @ 6 pm
Saturday, 4/10 – Workout 5 @ 8 am
One More Thing! We also want to Celebrate all of our recent accomplishments with an Elm City Fitness Style Sunday Funday post workout party. Sunday April 18th after the Sunday Funday Workout. Look for more information to come in the coming days! Congrats and Keep the putting yourself out there.
Endurance: OTM x 30 Minutes (or 6 Rounds)
Minute 1: 10 Burpees + 5 Situps
Minute 2: 10 Pullups + 5 Situps
Minute 3: 10 Squat Jumps + 5 Situps
Minute 4: 10 Pushups + 5 Situps
Minute 5: 1 Dumpster Dash + 5 Situps
WOD: Quarter Finals Workout 1 or Workout 2 , 3 or 4—> Workouts will be updated when released!