Wednesday, April 28th

Randall got his first Muscle Up! I may not have been there but I cannot express how proud I am for the work this man has put in not only for this skill but in everything he sets his mind to!

Warmup: Athletes Choice - Run, Row, Bike


Midline: “Kick Stand” - 2 Rounds

GHD Face Up Plank for 30 Seconds

Single Leg RDL with rear foot on wall (same leg-same arm) 10 Reps each side

Banded European KBS -10 Reps


Practice: Yoke Carry


Strength: 6x 5 Deadlift + 5 Bar Facing Burpees


WOD: 5 Rounds for Time

15 Wall Balls 20/14#

15 Power Cleans 95/65#

15/10 Calorie on Assault Bike

1 Minute Rest

Joe Kusnitz