Thursday, April 29th


Warmup: Athletes Choice - Run, Row, Bike


Midline: “Kick Stand” - 2 Rounds

GHD Face Up Plank for 30 Seconds

Single Leg RDL with rear foot on wall (same leg-same arm) 10 Reps each side

Banded European KBS -10 Reps


Practice: Toes to Wall


Strength: 15 minutes to work up to a heavy Snatch


WOD: 15 Minute AMRAP

Partner A: Run 400 meters

Partner B: 7 DB Snatch 55/35#

14 Toes to Wall

28 Double Unders


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

30 Minute AMRAP

400 Meter Run

6 HSPU’s

8 Pistols

12 Toes to Bar

Joe Kusnitz