Thursday, April 22nd


Midline Madness: “Courtesy Kick”

2 Rounds ~ Not For Time

10 Goblet Curtsy Squats

20 Plank-ups

30 Seconds L-Sits with Flutter Kicks on Rings or dip bar


Practice: Single KB Snatch


Strength: Kettlebell Thrusters 5x 6 KB Thrusters + 20 Meter Over-head KB walk


WOD: Teams of 3 Athletes

50 Snatches 95/65#

10 Rope Climbs

40 Snatches

8 Rope Climbs

30 Snatches

6 Rope Climbs

20 Snatches

4 Rope Climbs

10 Snatches

2 Rope Climbs


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

30 Minute AMRAP

10/8 Calorie Bike

10 Goblet Squats

10 KBS

10 KB Russian Twist

Run Around the building with KB

Joe Kusnitz