Thursday, March 25th

Midline Work: “Heavy Metal BAND” ~ 2 Rounds

OLY Bar Hip Thrusters (can add a band or not) x 20

Banded Monster Walks Side Step x 20 (20 to Right; 20 to left)

Knees to Bar x 6 (try not to kip)


Practice: Heaving Snatch Balance


Strength: Seated Box Jumps 10x5


WOD: Teams of 2 or 3 Athletes

18 Min AMRAP

1 Rope Climb

3 Snatches 115/75#

6/4 Calorie Bike

*Can only Switch After full round is completed


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530

30 Minute AMRAP

2 Mile Run then with time remaining,

20 Step-up with KB

20 Meter Over-Head Walks with KB

20 KBS

20 KB Russian Twists

Joe Kusnitz