Thursday, March 18th


Midline Work: “Heavy Metal BAND” ~ 2 Rounds

OLY Bar Hip Thrusters (can add a band or not) x 20

Banded Monster Walks Side Step x 20 (20 to Right; 20 to left)

Knees to Bar x 6 (try not to kip)


Practice: Ball Slams


Strength: Thrusters 4x8


WOD: 22 Minute AMRAP - Teams of 2 Athletes

Partner 1: Dumpster Dash Farmers Carry

Partner 2: Ascending Set of the following:

1 Calorie Row

1 Thrusters 75/55#

1 Pullup

*Increase by 1 rep each round

**Partner Pickup where other leaves off


Endurance: Meet at ECF @ 530 am

“Post Patty Party”

Teams of 2 Athletes

Partner 1 -> Dumpster Dash Farmers Carry

Partner 2 -> 8 Burpee Muscle-Up Box Overs, 8 Pullups, 8 Calorie Assault Bike

Joe Kusnitz