Tuesday, August 25th
Warmup: 10 minutes of
dumpster dash
single arm kb press x 6 (each arm)
kb swings x 6
Plank to Prayer x 3
wall walks x 2
Skill Work: 15 minutes to work on Muscle Ups
Strength: OTM x 12 mins
3 Shoulder Presses
WOD: For Time
1 mile run
5 HSPU’s
30 KBS 70/55
800 meter run
10 HSPU’s
20 KBS
400 meter run
15 HSPU’s
10 KBS
Endurance: 10 Rounds for Time
300 meter row
10 Box Jump and overs (bounding) - line boxes up 10 jumps total
10 Burpees