Saturday - Monday, August 22nd-24th
Katrina gives a thumbs up for Partner Fight Gone Bad!
Super Saturday
For Time
21 Over-head Squats 95/65#
42 Pullups
15 Over-head Squats
30 Pullups
9 Over-head Squats
18 Pullups
Sunday Funday - 7 am ~ Everyone is welcome even non members!
Warmup: 10 minutes of
dumpster dash
single arm kb press x 6 (each arm)
kb swings x 6
Plank to Prayer x 3
wall walks x 2
Skill Work: 15 minutes to work on Hand Stand Pushups or HS Walks
Strength: OTM X 12 minutes
3 Back Squats ~ Increasing loads
WOD: "Grace”
30 Clean & Jerks 135/95#