Saturday - Monday, February 29th - March 2nd


WOD: For Time

100 Wall balls 20/14#

200 meter run

75 Med ball Squat Cleans 20/14#

400 meter run

50 Jumping Lunges with Medball 20/14#

800 meter run

25 Weighted Pullups with Medball 20/14#

1 mile run



Sunday Funday @ 7 am ~ Everyone is welcome even non-members

8 am Open Gym



Warmup: 12 minutes of

200 meter row

10 KB Lunge Steps

5 Heaving Snatch Balances

10 Situps


Strength: Power Jerks 5x5 with weighted knee ups after each set


WOD: 6 Rounds for Time

3 Ring Muscle Ups or 6 C2B Pullups or 9 Pullups/Ring Rows

11 Burpees

Joe Kusnitz